Tuesday, April 5, 2011

3 months and 30 lemon tarts later...

Well, hello, everyone...anyone?...that might be reading this!  I know this blog has been promised for the past three months, but I got a little sidetracked.  Sorry...It's New York!

 I suppose I need to start off by first introducing myself and share a thing or two about myself.

My name is Amy-Paige Gotcher.  Born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas, I am a proud graduate of the University of Arkansas (woo pig sooie!) with a Broadcast Journalism degree.  Throughout my long and prosperous college career...sorry Dad!...I looked towards many career paths that I could possibly take--from FNC's next Megan Kelly to a sportscaster covering the Texas Rangers and Dallas Cowboys, along with other little random ideas I had in my head, two things were always certain:  I was creative and I enjoyed performing in front of, or, for a crowd.

Before I go on, let's rewind just a bit.  Ever since I can remember, I was the little girl who would stop and strike a pose as soon as I saw a camera, no matter where, why or if the camera was even pointed in my direction.  I loved being in front of people and putting on a show--whether it was at my dance recitals, cheerleading competitions, public speaking competitions or just joking around with my family & friends.  I would get such an extreme adrenaline rush from pleasing other people. I still experience that same feeling today, with a very simple formula: a group/crowd of people + me putting a smile on one and/or all of their faces = pure satisfaction for me.

Now, fast forward back to September 2010.  I was in Fort Worth one weekend, hanging out with friends, eating delicious food as always and enjoying my time at home with the fam before heading back up to Fayetteville.  As always, my Dad set me down to have a talk about what my plans were for graduation...one of those talks I never was too thrilled to have, because honestly, before I told him what my actual dream was, these were never pleasant talks because I wasn't sure exactly where I was headed.  We sat down and had one of those talks you don't forget: the type of talk where each person gets everything out they've wanted to say for quite some time, but one or the other person hadn't been able to say it before that moment.  And by one or the other, I obviously mean, myself.  As we were sitting there, I felt my stomach become full of butterflies, thinking, "Oh my gosh, this is when I am actually going to tell him my crazy dream.  The one only my sister and close friends know about, but one I would have never thought I would tell my Dad!"  It went a little something like this....

"Okay, Dad, do you want to know what I've been wanting to do for years, but haven't really told you or Mom about?"
"Go on...."
"I really want to go to culinary school.  Now, before you say anything, let me just say a little bit about it.  I love food.  I love to cook, I love to write.  Why not put all three of these things together?  If I went to culinary school, I could get the knowledge and techniques I would need to go into the food industry to gain culinary credit, so that, once I have more experience, I could become a food/restaurant critic, using the writing skills I have developed over the years."
....and with much more discussion, talk and prayer about the whole matter, my Dad's response was...

That was September.  By November, I was enrolled at The French Culinary Institute for the class beginning January 19th.  I couldn't believe it!  I had looked at other culinary schools--none I will name, but they were all in Texas--and my Dad basically said, "You know, if you are as serious as you seem about going to culinary school, let's not do it half-way.  New York City is the mecca of food in this country and world, so what better place to learn and gain experience in the food industry?"  So, with that being said, New York was the only place for me to go.

I've been in school now for almost three months--in fact, my mid-term is next week!  I can not believe how FAST it is flying by.  I promise, I will update you from levels 1 and 2 at some point and obviously post the pics from those levels, because there are quite a few I need to share.  But, as I am nearing the end of level 3, I have learned a few things about myself thus far:

1. I'm a better cook than I thought--and certainly much better than what my friends and family thought!!
2. Entering into this program, my main focus was to be a food journalist.  I thought, after 6 months, I may dabble a little in kitchens here or there, do some catering, etc., for a couple years before venturing onto writing.  And before my next statement, let me assure you, that is still in my future.  But, these past three months I have learned I love food for many more reasons than just eating it.  Food is unique, peculiar and full of possibilities; the type of possibilities I want to continue to explore and play with throughout my life, which is why I can't see myself NOT being in a kitchen for the next foreseeable future.  Going back with my need and want to please people, I see no other better way to do this than through food.  When I hear the chef give me a compliment like, "Wow!  You did a really excellent job--this is great!" I get that same adrenaline rush that I did when I was a little girl.  Being able put a smile on people's faces on a daily basis, through the labor and love I put into my food, nothing would please me more.
3. I look really good in chef's uniforms.....

I am going to start updating my blog on the reg--posts, pictures, recipes, thoughts, questions, etc., so that anyone who might be interested can see what I am doing during my time in NYC.  I hope you enjoy reading about my days in the kitchen, just as much as I enjoy being there!

As Chef Jacques Pepin (celebrated chef/Dean of FCI) said to me the other day, "You don't cook for yourself.  You cook for another.  Because, cooking, is the purest act of love."

Wishing you hot ovens and sharp knives,

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